Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Leaning Tower of Pizza

One of my favorites and perhaps the first pizza place I'd ever visited in the TC. (The original-Uptown location.) When the fellas and I would drive down from Bemidji to see punk rock shows at First Ave, we'd often times get some pizza and beer at the Leaning Tower afterwards. Some of their specialty pies have celery on them which I don't really care for, but I give them props for innovation. If I remember correctly, this one had sausage and mushrooms on it.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Shits & Giggles~Part 2

Ok, I know I said I wasn't gonna buy anymore of this crap buuuut.... Still not good.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Triple Rock Social Club

Triple Rock-known mostly as a place where punk rock fashionistas hang out and drink. You know the kind that wear patches and t-shirts of bands they have never actually heard or seen. Anyway, they have pretty deec food too.
The Ultimate Meatwich


The Cardiac Arrest

Taco Taxi

Three tacos from the Taco Taxi on Lake Street. Inexpensive and delicious.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Seward Cafe~Part 3

Omelets, scrambles and PANCAKES~!


For whatever reason I occasionally I find my self in the suburbs (other than when I'm not working.) I guess mostly because I have friends that live there or because there are movie theaters in suburbs. Anyway a friend and I were looking for something to eat before a movie in Roseville. We decided upon the new Grumpy's because a) we had been wanting to see the piece that John Grider had done inside the bar, and b) because we were curious to see if the menu was similar or the same as the downtown Mpls location. Neither of those things mattered when, much to my delight, Dan Cleavland of Driver 23-Atlas Moth-Dark Horse fame walked through the door. I was so giddy with excitement that. I could barely concentrate on my food because I was so busy watching his every move to see if he's like he in the movies. She had some sort of chicken sandwich and I had a club sandwich.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

May Day Cafe

Tomato, red onion, roasted garlic pizza slice. Tasty. I am happy to have discovered the May Day Cafe. I've always been aware of May Day but not until recently have I started visiting them on the regular. Tons of great food and baked goods as well as coffee and tea. I whole heartily support the good folks at May Day.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Carbs~Part 2

Fuckin' A Right! Don't hate.



Friday, April 11, 2008

Venison Roast

Another chunk of veni from my dad. I slow cooked it in a crockpot for like 20 hours or something. Threw potatoes in for the last 10 hours or so. FUCKING DELICIOUS~!

Items found at...

..a Mexican market by my house.

Pretzels (from the Energy Club!) were good, as suspected. Corn chips however were fairly dissapointing. I was hoping for more flavor or at least some heat but it was not to be. Kinda stale too.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Star Dragon?

General Tso's Chicken with fried rice. This is my first time ordering from Star Dragon. (At least I think that's the name of the place? Corner of Bloomington Ave & Lake St-Mpls.) So anyway, I got the Fried Fish too. What, don't food critics always order a few things on the menu? Are you saying I'm fat? The chicken is actually quite good. The sauce seems spicier than other places (and they give you plenty of it too!) Fish is pretty greasy but really tasty. I'd perhaps consider getting my fish and chips fix here next time.

Turkey Burger


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Seward Cafe~Part 2

Omelets, toast, sprouts and hash browns. Oh yeah.