Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Eggs in a Basket

Eggs in a basket is one of the easiest things to make. It was probably the first thing my mother ever taught me to cook. I vaguely recall her showing me how to cut a circle in the bread and butter it. We used to fry the circle too. Then the most crucial part was cracking the egg and dropping it in without breaking the yoke. Ah, the memories. Until now, I haven't made them since I was a child. I cooked mine so the eggs are still runny and added some cheddar cheese. Potatoes, jalapeno, red onion and garlic, fried in olive oil and seasoned with Tabasco and pepper. Toss some tomato in near the end for color. Enjoy...I did.

Global Candy

Walking around the Midtown Global Market with the family over the holidays, I found these little gems. I gave them to my buddy for his birthday. I presented them to him in front of a bunch of friends who had gathered that night to watch the UFC ppv, so of course they got cracked open and passed around. Actually, come to think of it, I'm probably the one that pushed to get these opened. I'm always up for testing out stuff like this.

Salsagheti is stringy, gummy, watermelon flavored candy from Mexico. It contains a little package of tamarino as well. I guess it's supposed to be the sauce for the noodles? Not good.

Another Mexican candy. Just what it says: goat milk and pecans. Maybe carmel too? Not sure. Really chewy and actually fairly deec. I probably couldn't eat more than one of these at a a day, that is. Still, not bad though.

Well we already had the candy version of spaghetti, so why not the candy version of chili rellenos? I can't really remember much about Swinkles. Just that it was spicy. Also from, you guessed it, Mexico.

I'm pretty sure we all agreed that these were the favorite. Delicious bite-sized, chocolate filled, crumbly crust, puffy pies! Pretty cool packaging too. I think these are from either Japan or South Korea.

I shouldn't' jump to any conclusions just yet. I was a little drunk so I would probably try each of these at least one more time to get a better read on them. But probably no more than one time...Well like I said; I shouldn't jump to conclusions yet.


The nice thing about being the last one at work on a Friday, is you get to take all the leftover food from that weeks potluck home with you. I left with a couple pounds of deli meat, two packages of cheese and a loaf of bread. I was eating sandwiches for a week. This particular one is pastrami with swiss and pepperjack on white; grilled to the perfect stage of coagulation. I had to buy the PBR myself. Simple sandwich, simple chaser.

Well, if you're not gonna eat it...

The friend from work who is famous for giving me her leftovers is also famous for going to this place El Azteca for lunch. I've never been there myself. However, judging from the spare grub she brings back for me, I would guess it's an Americanized version of Mexican food. Probably similar to that of Don Pablo's or Chi Chi's. This chicken quesadilla with rice and beans is fairly bland but it's not like its horrible or anything. Plus its free and, as usual, I'm hungry. So I'm not complaining. I just want to make sure everyone knows I have no problem with free, not horrible food. So let's not do anything drastic, like not bringing me leftovers. That would be terrible. Seriously.