Walking around the
Midtown Global Market with the family over the holidays, I found these little gems. I gave them to my buddy for his birthday. I presented them to him in front of a bunch of friends who had gathered that night to watch the
UFC ppv, so of course they got cracked open and passed around. Actually, come to think of it, I'm probably the one that pushed to get these opened. I'm always up for testing out stuff like this.
Salsagheti is stringy, gummy, watermelon flavored candy from Mexico. It contains a little package of tamarino as well. I guess it's supposed to be the sauce for the noodles? Not good.
Another Mexican candy. Just what it says: goat milk and pecans. Maybe carmel too? Not sure. Really chewy and actually fairly deec. I probably couldn't eat more than one of these at a time...er a day, that is. Still, not bad though.
Well we already had the candy version of spaghetti, so why not the candy version of chili rellenos? I can't really remember much about
Swinkles. Just that it was spicy. Also from, you guessed it, Mexico.
I'm pretty sure we all agreed that these were the favorite. Delicious bite-sized, chocolate filled, crumbly crust, puffy pies! Pretty cool packaging too. I think these are from either Japan or South Korea.
I shouldn't' jump to any conclusions just yet. I was a little drunk so I would probably try each of these at least one more time to get a better read on them. But probably no more than one time...Well like I said; I shouldn't jump to conclusions yet.